the pirate fall

Friday, April 20, 2007

the times they are a-change'n.

My team is gone. three weeks ago i said goodbye as the students that i have had the privilege to disciple, stepped onto a plane and left for Cambodia/Thailand for the next two months. and i am so proud. I eagerly await the stories of the miraculous, the bus rides, the scary food, the squatty potties and of course, the stories of God's amazing ability to break your heart for the things that break his.
these last two weeks, i have been working in the registrar, practicing my professional phone voice while recruiting new students for the upcoming schools, while preparing with my team (Luke and Megan) to head down to california for the next three weeks to spread the passion we have for missions. I got to test my Art skills on some ludicrously cool buttons (they are white with a robot on them, then a red line going across him to symbolizing that you shouldnt be a robot, but the child of god you are called to be. it actually fits nicely into our program) and then i had fun creating our official flier that we will pass out in our "pastor packs" when we hit up different churches.
needless to say, its been busy but exciting. I realized lately that nothing is ever solid in my life. everything is always changing, and i am learning to love it. I am learning to love the fact that most of my friends come from countries that i have never been to, or ever really thought about before i met them. i love that i am always saying hello, though it still stings every time i have to say goodbye. Nothing is constant except the drive to reach the nations, to have adventures, and of course, Christs love, whether he speaks it in whispers or yells it through the sunlight that is pouring through the clouds overlooking the most beautiful meadow i have ever seen. other than that, the foundations are shaky. but i am not standing alone. how could i?


Blogger shawnalyne said...

The your mum loves you (not to mention your dad) is pretty constant, too!

7:26 AM  

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