early morning kills me
today is saturday. thinking i was going to be able to sleep in as long as i desired this morning, i've been staying up pretty late. as it turns out, i have kitchen duty today. our one day to sleep in, and i have to be in the kitchen by 7 am. hooray. so, grumpily i stumbled out of bed and somehow arrived to my work duty on time. the thing is, we are supposed to have another person to work with (especially because i have never even been inside this kitchen much less prepared breakfast for 20 people in it)
unfortunately, my partner in breakfast serving crime, never arrived. so i waited a half hour and still no show. so i thought to myself "screw it, nobody eats breakfast anyway."
however, on my way back to the dorms, i pass the one person who actually does eat breakfast. i looked him straight in the eye and stated "no breakfast today. its been cancelled."
he simply would not have it. in fact, he said he would help me.
so we made breakfast
and it was awful. i was tired and cranky and didnt want to be in the kitchen at all, much less with this guy. but slowly people did start to arrive. (and slowly my pride crumbled)
after an hour, these guys walk in, and somehow we start talking. they are from homer alaska. they have heard of me. they said "hey, aren't you that one girl with the eyebrow ring?" and i says "yeah, that was me."
apparently, the summer i lived in homer, they were gone, but they are friends with all my homer buddies. and they heard all about me. it was the nicest conversation i've had in a really long time.
its funny how annoyed i was this morning, but there was a purpose in it all. firstly, the last person i wanted help from, was the only person who was offering help. and bitterly i accepted. it turns out that he is really helpful and knows about a million things about kitchens. finally, i stopped being snippy and thanked him about a hundred times.
secondly, i love the random connections i am able to make through my life of travel. its like God knows when i need a pick me up. those boys made my day. and i never would have talked to them if i didn't have kitchen duty this morning.
unfortunately, i still have dinner duty. perhaps i will meet someone from wyoming or something.