there is something ridiculously exciting about a cloudy day. not just dull, grey, wispy clouds, but huge, bulking thunderclouds. cumulous clouds, i believe they are called.
Today is definitely not one of those days. its sunny out, and while most people believe that this the epitomy of the perfect day, i disagree. whenever i feel like change is in the air, or when i think something big is going to happen, i always wish for clouds. and sometimes rain.
this week signaled the beginning of Fall DTS 06. I am techically an intern, or in the "galilee project", as they say. i was told sometime last week, that when the DTS started, my life would no longer be my own. though i laughed for that moment, i now realize how right those words were. my life has been one big chaos fest ever since.
this is my confession...
one of the leaders that i truly respect, treats everyone, for the most part, the same. that is, really well. he is kind, and honest and sincerely cares about the best for every individual. although, i noticed that there is one person that he is ultra-nice to. this person is grumpy, and irritable, and to be honest, it annoys the heck out of me that our leader would give preferential treatment to said person. but then i got to thinking. isn't that Christ? did he not come for the healthy, but for the sick? i realize, that while i might feel a bit left out, its ok. i can handle it. i dont need extra-niceness. i need honesty and a good smack in the philosophical face from time to time.
it is now the pirate fall. i hope you are all ready.